The Seneschal [] is the facilitator and administrator of the Barony, and is the legal representative of the SCA at the local level. This is similar to the President of a modern-day organization.
- Our current Seneschal is Lady Teleri Barod (she/her)
- Our Deputy Seneschal is Mistress Marguerite Honoree du Cheneau (she/her)
The Chatelaine [] is the Baronial newcomer liaison, a smiling face ready to greet and assist newcomers. They are also responsible for Gold Key, our supply of loaner clothing.
- Our current Chatelaine is Lord William de Hirst
The Exchequer [] is the Baronial treasurer and is responsible for recording and reporting on all financial matters.
- Our current Exchequer is Lady Zarra de la Vega
The Chronicler [] is the Baronial secretary responsible for the collection and publication of Populace Meeting minutes and the Baronial Newsletter, the Drekkar.
- Our current Chronicler is Lord Morgan O’Lathlann
The Social Media Officer promotes the Barony on official Social Media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok and seeks to foster participation in the arts in all of their forms.
- Our current Social Media Officer [Facebook, Email, Calendar] is Lady Sonya Flicker (called Patches) (she/her)
- Our current Social Media Officer [Instagram, Twitter, TikTok] is Lady Rose nic Galen (she/her)
The Minister of Arts and Sciences [] promotes the arts and sciences within the Barony and seeks to foster participation in the arts in all of their forms.
- Our current Minister of Arts and Sciences is Lady Mirabella Walmesley (she/her)
The Baronial Herald [] is responsible for making announcements to the Populace, assisting with submissions for names and devices (coats of arms) to the College of Heralds, and may speak with the voice of Their Excellencies during Courts and on the List Field at Tournaments.
- Our current Baronial Herald is Lady Rose nic Galen (she/her)
The Knight Marshal [] oversees all combat activities in the Barony.
- Our current Knight Marshal is Master Celric d’Ravelle (he/him)
The Archery, Equestrian, and Rapier Marshals are deputies of the Knight Marshal.
- Archery Marshal [] Lady Sonya Flicker (Patches)
- Rapier Marshal [] Master Celric d’Ravelle (he/him)
- Equestrian Marshal [] Lady Zarra de la Vega
The Minister of the Lists [] organizes and documents Tournaments and keeps records of Fighter Authorizations.
- Our current Minister of the Lists is Mistress Kunigunde von Darmstadt (Kender) (she/her)
The Webminister [] maintains the official Baronial website and serves as an Administrator on all Baronial social media.
- Our Webminister is Lady Marguerite Honoree d’Cheneau (she/her)
The Youth Minister [] is responsible for promoting youth activities and guiding young members through the Society.
- Our current Youth Minister is Astrid Spakona (she/her)