It’s the October Drekkar, with another new Arabic word, recipes for your fall harvest, court reports, baronial business, and more.
in the SCA Kingdom of Atlantia
It’s the October Drekkar, with another new Arabic word, recipes for your fall harvest, court reports, baronial business, and more.
November 12, 2016
College Park, MD
Are your augurs or astrologers predicting something dire in early November? Come and dance away your cares at Storvik’s second Song and Dance. We will alternate blocks of performance with sessions of dance instruction, ending the day with a Grand Ball and a bardic circle.
Song: Master Ruaidhri an Cu will be the master of ceremonies for our scheduled performances. Slots are first-come, first-served. Reserve up to 15 minutes for your songs, skits, monologues, poetry, stories, interpretive dance, and more! (No fire acts, please.) Contact ruaidhriancu@gmail.com to claim a spot.
And Dance: Master Stephan of Cambion and Lady Evelyn Merrymet will be our dancing masters. Learn the dances during the day, then dance the evening away during the Grand Ball. Dance musicians are eagerly sought! Bring your Pennsic Pile.
The Day’s Schedule:
Lunch: Lady Alicia of Cambion will be creating delightful harvest-themed fundraiser lunch for $5. Proceeds will benefit the Monday night practice hall rental. Please do not pay for lunch with your event pre-registration.
Feast: Potluck. Please bring a dish to serve 8 people. We will have electricity to power slow cookers; we will not have refrigerator access. We will have some coolers available, but if your dish needs to be stored cold, please bring your own cooler if you can.
Site: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 4512 College Ave, College Park, MD 20740
Site opens at 10am. Ball and bardic to end by 8pm; clean-up from 8-9pm.
Site is dry. Not even beer and wine anymore.
Pre-registration, adult member discount: $10
Pre-registration, adult: $15
At the door, adult member discount: $12
At the door, adult: $17
17 and under: Free
Make checks payable to: SCA, Inc., Barony of Storvik
Please include your member number on your check, if you have one.
Send reservations to the autocrat.
Autocrat: Lady Teleri the Well-Prepared (Jamie Lennon), 9426 Canterbury Riding, Laurel, MD 20723. sca_bard[at]yahoo.com, 301-483-3691, no calls after 9pm, please.
From the north: Best route to I-95 S. After exit 29, stay in the second lane from the right. The highway splits; stay right. Then, when a lane opens to the left, get into it. Take the ramp around, merge back onto I-95, and immediately take Exit 25 to US-1 S, College Park. Continue from *, below.
From the south: Take either side of the DC Beltway to Exit 25 for US-1. Take US-1 S to College Park. Continue from *, below.
*Final approach: Take US-1 S past the main entrance to University of Maryland. Go through the light at Rossborough Lane and through the light for the pedestrian crosswalk. At the next light, College Ave, turn left. (The Bagel Place, with a green awning, and a Target will be on the left; a Potbelly Sandwich shop will be on the right.) Go through the first stop sign; you will see St Andrew’s on your left. At the second stop sign, turn left onto Princeton Ave. Turn left again into the St Andrew’s parking lot; the second left, into a gravel field, is also St. Andrew’s parking. There is some parking facing Princeton Ave; there is more if you continue to drive past the church. If that all fills up, there is pay parking under the Target.
The entrance to the church hall is on your left when you first turn into the parking – it’s a set of black metal stairs leading up to a large brown wooden door; look for SCA signage.
In this month’s Drekkar: Pennsic news, baronial events, pickle recipe, Arabic lesson, and Awards of Atlantia for Service.