The special Pennsic Edition of the Drekkar, with amazing classes taught by Storviki, good and terrible advice, and Lady Alicia’s recommendations for camp noshing!
July 2017 Drekkar
June 2017 Drekkar
May Drekkar
The May Drekkar is here, with a letter from Their Excellencies, information on upcoming classes, camping with the barony at Ruby Joust, news of Novice Tournament, cheers of Skol! for many, another new Arabic word, and a recipe to make use of all the delicious strawberries now in season.
2017-05-05_Storvik_Drekkar_v38_I05 (Updated with revisions, 9:14pm 5/6/2017)
April Drekkar
The April Drekkar newsletter is now available for download.
– Teleri, Chronicler