The Barony of Storvik is a group of medieval and pre-modern enthusiasts. Our borders include Washington, DC, Prince George’s County, MD and parts of Montgomery County, MD although we welcome anyone to join us regardless of their location.
We are part of the Kingdom of Atlantia, one of 21 Kingdoms that make up the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Our members organize many activities and have a wealth of interests and knowledge to share, far more than could be listed on this site.. We also love to learn and showcase new interests and topics. If we don’t know about your area of interest, we can help you find information and mentorship or just cheer you on in your explorations.
Storvik is sometimes referred to as “The Mother of Baronies”, and has existed in one form or another since the mid 1970’s. You can learn more about our history here.
Want to know more? Explore our website follow us on social media (facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok), join our email list, or reach out to one of our officers.